Being a Tree Hugger

I have a strong passion for sustainability. My ultimate goal is to encourage people around me to make teaspoons of change. I was given the chance to interview the prestigious filmmaker and environmentalist: Celine Cousteau. I resonate deeply with her idea that sustainability is not just a hobby or even a career, it is a way of living. Indeed, truly living sustainably means choosing to take eco-friendly alternatives in our daily lives, and I am setting myself goals to achieve that. You can check out my insightful interview with Cousteau via this link:

Desertification and Wildlife Loss at Qinghai Lake

Qinghai Lake, the largest salt water lake in China is crucial for blocking desert sand from reaching China. But it is endangered by pollution, climate change, and desertification, which threaten its water quality, wildlife, and local communities. Click here to read more and listen to my advocacy RAP!

Cows increases our carbon footprint and emissions

I have said “no to cows” since 31 March 2024 – no beef, no dairy. Of food sources, cow produces the highest emissions (from both greenhouse gas and methane). That is causing global warming and melting our icebergs!

Compost to Garden

I realized that food waste is a massive issue in my community. It’s funny, I actually made the compost first. Then what do I do with this compost? I had to have a vegetable garden! And I can reduce carbon footprint (of transporting food across long distances) by eating my own vegetables.

I invited some children to join me when I kickstarted my garden, telling them more about the importance of food waste reduction. It’s fun for them (and me!) to protect our environment together. I timed it when my grandma came to visit. She was our advisor as she is the only one who has actually done farming before…

Maybe I should compose about composting… hmmm… Click here to find out about my music compositions of making change and more!

Ignite Passion Project:

The Fashion and Clothing Industry is one of the top contributors to environment harm. Read about the passion project I did in Switzerland on trash pollution and fashion recycling.

Service is another thing I love. See my Impact With Service Page for more projects I am involved in. I often combine my love for the environment and for service. Hitting two birds (sorry bird) with one stone! For example the EcoArcade I created and our Global Citizenship team’s recycling project.


I enjoy DIY and being creative. Over the Shanghai Pandemic Lockdown, my sister and I created stations using only recycled materials such as delivery cardboard, salvaged items and even fruit wraps as mini-basketball nets. We invited young neighbors over to our backyard to play. It was good for morale, emotional health and spreading the word for recycling!

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Recycling Day

It was the end of school term, and everyone was excited for summer! Our Global Citizenship team decided to stay back and recycle paper from used school notebooks. We took out staplers, sorted out the unused sheets and separated the covers from the book bodies. In total, we went through 120 kg of paper and about 40 kg were unused sheets!